Intersectional Organizing

We—the research group of a grassroots think tank network composed of forty community organizing groups and national alliances in the education justice movement—are conducting a participatory action research project to learn from community organizers across a diverse set of communities and issue-based movements. Our project also aims to build relationships with these organizers to attempt to create solidarity in real time, learning from those efforts in a form of self-study.

On this page, you will find links to our Intersectional Organizing Essay Series and to the published articles from our research. For more information about our research, see our general project overview.

The following essays were produced in collaboration with the Peoples’ Think Tank. We interviewed these organizers and worked with them to create these essays. We believe that these essays offer important lessons for educational justice and other movement builders seeking to pursue intersectional organizing, connect communities and movements, and build solidarity.

The views expressed in these essays, however, are the author’s and not necessarily those of the People’s Think Tank.

Revolutionary Mothering and a Family Centered Movement (May 2024)

Bold and Intersectional Organizing for Trans Liberation (January 2024)

Reimagining our Future through Indigenous Education (January 2024)

Becoming Visible: Centering the Native Experience in Solidarity Building (December 2023)

Liberation is Intersectional: Following the Leadership of Trans Youth of Color (Dec 2023)