Spring 2022
Chicago (Virtual)
January 19, 5-6:30pm CT / 6-7:30pm ET
University of Illinois Chicago
(with David Stovall, Professor, Black Studies and Criminology, Law & Justice, University of Illinois at Chicago and Crystal Laura, Chicago-based professor, specializing in urban teacher development and wellness)
Seattle (Virtual)
January 24, 4:30-5:45pm PT / 7:30-8:45pm ET
University of Washington Seattle, Corbally Leading towards Justice Series
(with Jonathan Stith, National Director, Alliance for Educational Justice, Sierra Parsons, WA-BLOC and youth leaders)
Vermont (Podcast)
January 30, 3:00pm ET
The Pandemic to Prison Pipeline, Vermont Conversations
(with Jonathan Stith, National Director, Alliance for Educational Justice)
Boston (Virtual)
February 10, 6:00-7:30pm ET
URBAN.Boston, On These Grounds Screening and Discussion
(with Director Zevgetis, Activist Vivian Anderson, Activist Jonathan Stith)
Los Angeles (Virtual)
February 16, 4pm PT / 7pm ET
(with Maisie Chin, CADRE, Geoffrey Winder, GSA Network, and Mauro Bautista, Felicitas & Gonzalo Mendez High School)
Boston (Virtual)
February 18, 1-2pm ET
Harvard University Hutchins Center Book Series
(with Bianca J. Baldridge, Harvard Graduate School of Education)
National (Virtual)
National (Virtual)
March 9, 1:00pm ET
Winning the States Webinar, National Immigration Law Center
(with Jonathan Stith, Alliance for Educational Justice, and Elsa Banuelos, Movimiento Poder)
Boston (Virtual)
March 10, 5:30-6:30pm ET
Tufts University Tisch College of Civic Engagement
(with Zakiya Sankara-Jabar, Racial Justice NOW, and Lorraine Wright, I Vote for Me)
Washington, DC (Virtual)
March 23, 6:00-7:30pm ET
George Washington University & American University
(with Jonathan Stith, Alliance for Educational Justice)
San Diego (In person)
April 23, 11:00am PT
American Educational Research Association
Police-free schools: Education research and anti-racist movements
With Jonathan Stith, Patrice Hill, Denisha Bland, Russell Skiba, David Stovall, Decoteau Irby, and Kesha Moore
Atlanta, GA (In person)
May 5, 6:30-8:00pm ET
Gwinnett Parent Coalition to Dismantle the School to Prison Pipeline and Southern Poverty Law Center
(with Marlyn Tillman, Gwinnett SToPP, Michael Tafelski, Southern Poverty Law Center, and Joyce King, Georgia State University)
Los Angeles, CA (In person)
June 1-3
National Community Schools and Family Engagement Conference
(with Letha Muhammad, Education Justice Alliance, and Maisie Chin, CADRE)
Fall/Winter 2021
New York (Virtual)
October 12, 7-8:30pm ET
CUNY Graduate Center
(with Marlyn Tillman, Gwinnett SToPP and Adilka Pimentel and Alexandra Valera, Make the Road New York)
Washington, D.C (Virtual)
October 16, 1-2:30PM ET
Racial Justice Now, D.C.
(with Zakiya Sankara-Jabar, co-founder of Racial Justice Now, D.C.)
Mississippi (Virtual)
October 16, 2-3pm CT
Mississippi Delta Catalyst Roundtable
Los Angeles (Virtual)
October 20, 5:30-7pm PT
CADRE, Los Angeles
(with Maisie Chin, Co-Founder and Executive Director, CADRE, and parent leaders)
Stanford (Virtual)
October 21, 12-1:30pm PT
Stanford University Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity
National (Virtual)
October 23, 2-3:30pm ET
Dignity in Schools Campaign “Community not Cops” National Week of Action
National (Virtual)
November 3, 12-1pm ET
#BuildingPower: Grassroots Education Advocacy
(with Zakiya Sankara-Jabar, National Director of Activism, Brightbeam)
Sacramento (Virtual)
November 17, 3-4pm PT
National (Virtual)
November 18, 6-7:30pm ET
The People’s Think Tank, National Willful Defiance Book Launch Event
New York (Virtual)
December 2, 4-5pm ET
(with Jonathan Stith, National Director, Alliance for Educational Justice, and Letha Muhammad, Director of the Education Justice Alliance)
Chicago (Virtual)
December 6, 6-7pm CT
57th St. Books
(with with Bill Ayers, Maria Degillo, Youth Director, and a student leader from Communities United)
Chicago (Virtual)
December 9, 6-7:30pm CT
Communities United
(with Maria Degillo, Youth Director, Communities United, and student leaders)
December 15, 4:30pm CT / 5:30pm ET
Decarceral Constellations podcast